umBristol does Dyson

2017 Code Cabin highlights

Karl Tynan takes everyone through what Code Cabin is all about and what specifically happened at the 2017 event.

Dyson Award site and Vorto

Dave and Rob take the guys through their experience of customising the Umbraco Vorto package for the Dyson Awards site. 

The guys made some really interesting modifications to Vorto to allow global editors to author page content in native languages while preserving a tree of fall back languages. In addition, they created some functionality to allow global users to only edit their version of the page content. 

Dyson demo Adobe Experience Manager

Spike and Dale spin through their experience of developing with Adobe Experience Manager for Dyson

The food and drinks....

About the Author

Pete Williams, Pete is co-founder and MD of Gibe

Pete's focus is on strategy, creating great relationships and products for all his clients. He believes attention to detail makes the difference in all things digital.