Top 10 project management tips
Having worked within project management and client services in the digital industry for over 8 years I've learnt a few tough lessons and thought I'd share some useful tip...
Having worked within project management and client services in the digital industry for over 8 years I've learnt a few tough lessons and thought I'd share some useful tip...
The mega footer
Since moving back from London many of my chums in the industry have asked me what I think the differences are between Bristol and London digital agencies. I thought I'd s...
Let us tell you a bit about us...
Setting up an agency was something that we'd both talked about years ago whilst working at E3. So after some further discussions and quite a few beers in London, we decid...
Exchange Server to Google Apps
I've been using the Drupal Category Module for a website. The owner of the site wants people to register for free on the...
When creating a new Drupal module, I'd been trying to add a couple of links to a sidebar when viewing a user's details.
I've been doing a lot of work with Drupal recently. The documentation is somewhat unreliable on their site. I've found q...
I've just about finished the upgrade to .NET 2 for the blog software and the removal of proprietary E3 libraries. I want to make sure there is no downtime, but I have to...
I had a bit of a struggle recently trying to get .NET to hash a string that would match PHPs built in MD5 hashing. Ended up that it was a string encoding issue, heres how...
ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings is obsolete