Thursday 29th September
A nice short working day for the team. Shortly after lunch we were at Bristol Airport enjoying a few pints and enjoying card games whilst waiting for our flight. By late afternoon we were in the Czech-Republic and taking in the sights from our Taxi’s. It was already clear this was a beautiful city and we were all getting excited.
Not long after checking into our hotel, a rather delightful Raddison Blu (only the best for team Gibe), we had our best outfits on and were already on our way out for a little explore.
It didn’t take long to realise this wasn’t a city full of commercial bars aimed firmly at stag and hen dos as some of us had expected. At night (and day) Prague is a very beautiful city full of very old historic and gothic looking buildings interspersed with modernity as you’d expect in any capital. It feels safe and easy to navigate… not to easy though given that we got lost trying to find the area the hotel recommended. But no loss, we found a very fun underground bar open late.
This place, whose name I’ve forgotten, was a rabbit warren and a lot of fun! The music was a little cheesey (just right) and the drinks were cheap and incredibly generous. One of the things I love about our team is that you can stick us all round a table with a few pints and it’s not long before we’re playing absurd drinking games, laughing constantly, saying very stupid things and thinking shots are a good idea. The whole evening was ridiculous, hilarious and brilliant!
It was late when we got back to the hotel…

Friday 30th September
On our first full day we all took the time out to properly explore. After a lovely breakfast at Paul’s (a French chain of bakery’s) we went off exploring.
First we took in the Old Town Square and basically spent the day exploring the old town itself. There is plenty to see!
At the end of the day we found ourselves back in Old Town Square to see the striking of the Astronomical Clock. If you’re in Prague I’d highly recommend taking this in; such an interesting building.
The night finished with food and drinks; a few of us went hunting for a nightclub we’d heard about (which we eventually found, although it wasn’t everyone’s music taste – Eurodance galore).

We spent the day exploring Prague Castle and taking another epic walk across Prague. The day was great filled with plenty of leisurely stops at outdoor bars (did I mention the weather was glorious – equivalent to the height of British summer).
It was also the day that I bumped into my old flatmate from uni – small world!
I want to say the day was filled with decadent sophistication and culture. It was not! It was incredibly silly.
In the evening we decided to check out the bar of our hotel; which happens to have a reputation for making some of the best cocktails in Prague.
I’ll let the photos do the talking…

It felt a little sad waking up on the last day of our trip; but fortunately we had a late flight and so had the whole day for activities.
The guys treated us to a fabulous three course dinner at a 5* restaurant at the top of a TV tower in Prague. It sounds random and it was, but incredible food.
A late flight back to the UK and we were all home and in bed by midnight and back in work the following morning for sprint planning.
A very very satisfactory trip!
We work hard at Gibe, but we also play hard. I can’t wait to see what we get up to in 2017.
A few more photos...