Gibe Digital Ltd is now a Certified B Corp employer

We are excited to announce that Gibe Digital Ltd is now a Certified B Corp employer.

Certified B Corporation status is given to ethical and socially conscious businesses that balance profit with people and the planet. Achieving B Corp™ certification demonstrates our commitment to a better business future for our employees, customers, and the world around us.

The journey to B Corp certification has been both straightforward and challenging. Many of the good practices required for this high standard, such as ethical conduct and fair employee treatment, have long been integral to Gibe Digital Ltd. These values were foundational for Steve and Pete when they established the agency to be a better employer. However, the process was also demanding due to the rigorous documentation and evidence-gathering required.

B Corps uphold the highest standards of social and environmental performance. We are part of a global movement comprising nearly 4,000 companies in 74 countries and over 150 industries, all dedicated to minimizing our impact on communities, people, and the planet while using business as a force for good.

Aerial shot of a rainforest with a river following through it

Certified B Corporation status is given to ethical and socially conscious businesses that balance profit with people and the planet. Achieving B Corp™ certification demonstrates our commitment to a better business future for our employees, customers, and the world around us.

The journey to B Corp certification has been both straightforward and challenging. Many of the good practices required for this high standard, such as ethical conduct and fair employee treatment, have long been integral to Gibe. These values were pivotal for Steve and Pete when they established the agency to be a better employer. However, the process was also demanding due to the rigorous documentation and evidence-gathering required by B Corp.

“As a company we've always looked after our people, clients and suppliers. We've more recently started looking at our impact on the environment and have been carbon offsetting since 2022, so it was a natural progression to see what else we could do. As a result we started the B Corp certification process in January 2024 and it's been a comprehensive, enlightening and rewarding process. We're a much better business for going through the process and have become more aware of our impact on the world.”

Pete Williams, July 2024

Overall, this has been an excellent exercise for us, reinforcing our dedication to positive impact and continuous improvement.

This is not the end of our B Corp journey but rather the beginning. We will now take what we have achieved and build upon it further.

Image of a mountain area with trees and lakes in the foreground

Feel free to contact us if you’ve any questions about B Corp

Some helpful links

About the Author

Hugh Parr-Burman, Head of Production

Hugh is our Head of Production with over 15 years of experience in the digital and marketing sector. He's passionate about great project delivery and loves the "big picture" view as well as getting stuck into the fine detail.