Parallax effects are a really nice way of showing or revealing content as the user scrolls through a single webpage. But I do feel that it has been overused in recent months for pretty much everything on the web!
However, I came across the Adidas Snowboarding microsite that uses the parallax effect very well.
Adidas Snowboarding website
This month, Adidas Snowboarding has caught my eye! It use of parallax really enhances the experience by giving depth, movement and interest to the scrolling of what could otherwise have been an uninspiring page experience.
It all adds to the effect
As you scroll through the content the mist begins to reveal trees, hill-ranges and mountains within the background. Since you are scrolling down the page, this really emphasises the effect of skiing or boarding down the snowy slopes!
The nice animations used on enlarging images and playing videos also adds a bit of interest to something that could easily have become boring and mundane!
I like this site very much and would urge you to take a look at this great parallax example.
Visit the Adidas Snowboarding website: