It’s not often I get to write sensationalist headlines for a company blog so I’m taking full advantage. Fortunately there were no real murders in the office. Rather recently Karl Tynan very kindly organised an after work murder mystery for the team.
Karl clearly loved playing detective; he’s great at organising this type of thing (it was him who organised our very own pub quiz a few months before). He had hours of detective themed background music queued up on Spotify.
The theme was a classic murder at the manor. With yours truly playing the local vicar, we also had our vixen, our colonel, a doctor (possibly qualified), the chauffeur, the butler, the cook, the detective and a Canadian violinist. Most of us had some level of costume prepared.
If you’ve ever played Cluedo you’ll know how the random mechanic of “who dunnit” works. Genuinely only one person knew who dunnit and that was the killer… that was until the summation in the pool / murder / meeting room where all got a go at guessing who the killer was.
For some reason a large number of people guessed it was me. I clearly act suspiciously.
It turned out that this time it was the cook. Her motives were somewhat convoluted and hilarious. Everything you’d expect from a Murder Mystery.
I highly recommend grabbing a murder mystery kit yourself. There are many different themes. Just search for “Murder mystery game” on Amazon and you’ll come up with a ton of options. Ideal for dinner parties, parties and office socials.
It was all very silly and a great night.